Saturday 1 February 2014

Home Sweet Home

Today is a big day for my family, my Nana has finally completed her big move to the Southern Territory. She called me up a few days before telling me how "it feels like a dream" and how happy she is finally to be near her family again. We left Derbyshire around six years ago even though it was a tough step it was one of the best decisions my family ever made. Selling the old house was very surreal, whenever I visit and walk past to me it will always be mine. My sister and I are hopefully planning a trip back up to the north soon to visit our family but I just have to say, with our old home and my grandparents home no longer there it's odd to go back to somewhere that's changed so much but your memories haven't. The "Rebecca & Chloe" will always be engraved into the concrete outside the garden and my childhood memories will always be in those two plots of land.
I hope whoever lives in my Nana's old home next enjoys such special memories of childhood and the incredible bond between families like we all had.

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