Friday 25 April 2014

I first have to say that I know I wear these jeans a lot. I am totally down for the boyfriend jean trend which Jordan has decided to call husband jeans. Also, if you haven't noticed, I've kind of stepped away from fashion blogging. A lot of that has to do with the fact that this outfit above is a good representation of what I wear every day: jeans and a t-shirt, a lot of neutral tones and what most people would call boring. Not sorry about it. Anyways... on to the main event that is this post...

Last week I read this post by Jen Swedhin, a lady that just seems really awesome and cool. She did the following prompt, "10 things you need to know about me if we are going to be best friends." I really liked that. It's had me thinking about my best friends and what my answers would be. I have few people in my life that I call honest and true friends, and 100% of them live far away from me. The more we move around and the older I get I realize the importance of finding those kinds of friends where ever you go. Kindred spirits as one might call them. Sometimes they are not found but other times they are and it is the best ever. SO, here are mine...10 things you need to know about me if we're going to be BFFs:

1. I will, without a doubt, embarrass myself often in front of you and everyone we know. Remember that and try not to make a big deal of it when it inevitably happens, i.e. just ignore it.

2. If you want to talk, one on one is best. I don't do well in big groups and I will never fight for attention. (If you want to see one of those moments I was referring to in #1, just ask me a question in a big group of people. That'll do it)

3. When I find music I like, I listen to it on repeat for months. That drives some people crazy *couch*my husband*cough*. For instance, I am still listening to Bangerz every day and it came out almost six months ago.

4. I hate hate hate being startled. If you ever think it'd be funny to jump out and scare me, you're wrong.

5. I watch TV and I can talk about certain shows for hours. I tend to obsessive think and TV is one of few things that helps me relax and let things go. 

6. I am an early bird. Do not expect me to be any fun after 11 o'clock at night. Who am I kidding? 10 o'clock.

7. I am the most comfortable and "myself" when I'm with my family. That will always be true. 

8. If I have something to say, I will say it. People often call me quiet and some of that has to do with #2 but I will speak up when I want to. But on the other hand, I am not afraid of silence.

9. I'm easy to please and would really prefer a night in. My idea of a girls' night is spent on the couch talking for hours, watching movies and eating crappy food.

10. I want to take your picture, please please let me.

There you go. That's what you need to know if we're going to be besties. I feel like I would really like to make lists for my best friends. Like, "what it's like being best friend with..." kind of thing. Thinking about it. Anyways, I want to read everyone else's "10 Things" so I am going to be one of THOSE people and make this a tagging thing. So I tag Emma of Smile Me Pretty, Bridget ofDeer Circus, and Lauren of Awkward Girls.

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