Sunday, 1 February 2015

Turn the page, february 2015 edition.

After completing the Game of Thrones series last year I won't lie, i've really struggled to pick up a book that's hooked me as much as George RR Martin's. I read "Will Grayson, Will Grayson" by John Green a month ago and it was surprising. I'd definitely recommend it as a light read. 

Here are some of my favourite books of the moment, of all genres.

Hopefully something for everyone.

This incredible magazine is a book in itself. One issue released per season totalling at four a year are released to the world. I must say, the wait is hard. If you are passionate about photography, food, life and home this is one for you. At £10 roughly per magazine it's not cheap, but every page is one of a kind. Magnificent in every way and deeply creative.

"Not That Kind of Girl" by Lena Dunham

The memoirs and adventurous world of Lena is like a written prologue of her HBO series "Girls" incredibly funny, dramatic and you totally read this in her American accent. Whitty with a kick to the teeth attitude expressing the day to day struggle of Lena's life and endeavours. 

A Beautiful Mess : Photo Idea Book

Okay, so in all honestly this is more of a lifestyle, how to book. It's not the usual literature you pick up and refuse to put down for food, sleep and activities. It's a visual reference guide from Elsie and Emma to dig deep and release all of the perfectly quirky creativity running through your veins. Even if you are not a generally creative soul, you will be after this.

The Liberty London Book of Simple Sewing

Stacked full of Liberty patterns, bohemian vibrant fabrics from Liberty and all of the basic sewing techniques and patterns brought to you by the best textile designers in the UK. I honestly cannot wait to get started on a project from this little gem. Even the pages have beautifully inked pieces (as above.) You do feel the need to go fabric shopping after having a flick through this one.

The Goldfinch by Donna Tart & Alexa Chung's "It"

I'm popping these together, just because.
I picked up Alexa's book expecting deep tales of romance with Arctic Monkeys tales. Fashion, passion and general fashion advice. I felt like in my eyes it was a bit of a let down. It's a diary, not a book in many ways. If you read this as Alexa's journal you will enjoy it much more than I did.

The Goldfinch was gave to me as a Christmas gift from one of my treasured friends and also my old Manager at Le Loup Gemma. It's a beautiful tale so far, I won't lie, I haven't finished it yet but i am going to sit down and really read this. It's a good 600+ pages so maybe one for sunbathing in the garden when the sunshine appears.

Roald Dahl's The BFG, Matilda & George's Marvellous Medicine. 
I found this beautiful book at a Sussex boot fair in Summer. For something ridiculous like a pound,  I own all three books already but this was something unique, a limited edition version which in all honesty, I'd never seen before. I am the biggest Roald Dahl/Quentin Blake fan of all time. I grew up with these magical tales and somehow they have just always stuck with me. You can never be too old to pick up one of these and instantly smile. Forever young.

Where The Wild Things Are

After the movie, I couldn't help it. I walked past a shop and this was in the window one day. I had to. The illustrations are magnificent, even though it barely has any text sometimes I'll buy children books just for the creativity of the illustrations. Pieces I can one day pass down to my own children.

Superior and Hit - Girl by Mark Millar

Nathan's Graphic Novels overthrow my book collection. The little nerd inside gets so excited when either of us venture to Brighton into Dave's Comics and find something new to read. I've found Mark Millar's books to be gripping, unexpected and beautifully inked. A part of me will always love Graphic Novels and Comics, despite my age this is something i'll always be passionate about. If you haven't read his books, go and buy one. You will not regret it.

Bundle of DC Comics
When I was fifteen I collected comics properly, with boxes full they were one of my favourite possessions until I left them at an ex boyfriends house after a pretty awful breakup. I never even wanted them back despite having very rare Batman comics. Only recently have I decided to begin collecting again. Nathan found some of his old stash too so finally we are building a new collection. There is no better feeling than watching a Superhero kick some ass.

Do you have any good book recommendations? Comment below! I love new things to read!

1 comment:

  1. You have some of my favourites in here! And you also have a few that I haven't checked out like the 'beautiful mess:photo idea' book
